What’s Your Present Delivery Style?
How do you give your gifts? Do you employ the art of surprise, or do you prefer to be stealthy? It's time to find out with this personality quiz! Which are you?
Have you ever wanted to know what sort of gift giver you were? Do you like to announce your generosity to the world, or are you a master in the art of secret present giving? Let's find out with this quiz! And if you enjoyed this, you can find more Christmas quizzes here! How about this delightful December quiz? Or maybe you're after a Home Alone Wet Bandits quiz? And we bet you'll love this Christmas food picture quiz!

Do you like surprises?

Choose a reindeer

Pick a stocking filler

Who is your favourite Dwarf?

Choose a lyric from Last Christmas

Pick a Christmas classic movie
7/10 Choose a snowman

Pick a wintery destination

Pick a terrible present

Finally, what's the most important thing about presents?

Boo! You LOVE to surprise people! To you there's nothing better than seeing the look on someone's face when they totally didn't expect a present - it's your favourite part!

You're a secretive gift giver - you don't want too much attention, you prefer to imagine their delight when they find your present (which you're never going to tell them is from you!)

You love to gift as loudly as possible! You have to make sure everyone is watching so they know how great at giving presents you are! And don't forget the over the top wrapping paper!

Er...were we supposed to bring presents? Uh oh. You try your hardest, but you're very bad at giving presents - you just keep forgetting! To be honest, you wish they weren't even a thing!