What’s Your Sleigh Driving Style?
It’s up to you to deliver all the presents on Christmas Eve – but how will you handle the challenge? This quiz will suss out your sleigh driving style!
Uh-oh! Santa can’t make it this Christmas, and YOU’VE been picked as his replacement! No pressure, then! Don’t worry, we know you’ll nail it – but what will your sleigh journey be like? Are you a speedy Santa, or do you prefer to take things easy? Let’s find out! Don’t forget to try the rest of our Christmas quizzes – find out how festive your Christmas will be, or find out which ugly Christmas sweater you are!

Which quote do you identify with most?

How many reindeer are pulling your sleigh?

What's your sleigh made of?

It's gonna be cold on that sleigh! What are you sipping on to stay warm?

Choose a meal to keep you going!

What's your favourite Santa-centred film?

Choose a non-sleigh mode of transport!

What's your favourite wintry animal?

What would you love to do on your sleigh ride?

You've delivered all the presents! What's next?

Safety first!
Slow and steady wins the race! You're more of a tortoise than a hare, and so your sleigh driving will be cautious and safe! Just make sure you're getting everything done in time!

Pleasure cruise!
Your style is laid back and relaxed, but you're still great at getting stuff done! Your sleigh driving will be steady and efficient, and you'll maybe pack in some sightseeing too!

Super speedy!
You love to go fast, and your sleigh drive will cover the planet in one night, easily! You're also a pretty good driver, so your present delivery will be super slick!

Speed of light!
Whoah! You're the Santa who'll deliver every present on earth, early! You love to go fast at all times, and your sleigh-driving style reflects that! Just be careful you don't crash!