Which Member of Santa’s Squad Are You?
There's more to Christmas than Santa Claus! Find out which festive helper is most like you in this tinsel-tastic personality quiz!
Santa Claus might be the one in charge of of all the presents - but he's not the only one to make Christmas happen! Christmas needs a whole team of talented festive workers - but which one is most like you? Take this quiz and let's find out!

Christmas is... what?

Which of these is most Christmassy?
3/10 Choose a mystery Christmas present:

What's your favourite part of Christmas dinner?

It's Christmas Day! What are you doing?

What colour stocking?

Pick a classic Christmas movie:

What's your favourite Christmas song?

It's one of the Elves' birthdays just after Christmas. What will you get them?

It's Boxing Day and Mrs Claus wants to watch an old movie. What do you do?

You're Santa!
You're the main guy himself - Santa Claus! You're the face of Christmas and it's your job to make sure everyone gets what they want. Christmas is a very stressful time for you, and you're always very busy. But once it's over you can put your feet up! Would you rather be a different member of Santa's squad? Take this quiz again and see who you get next time!

You're Mrs Claus!
You're Santa's wife - Mrs Claus! You don't get much credit, but your famous husband wouldn't get very far without your help and useful advice. He might be the face of Christmas - but he'd be a in a right mess without you! You're loads of fun to be around and live and breathe the Christmas spirit. Would you rather be a different member of Santa's squad? Take this quiz again and see who you get next time!

You're a reindeer!
You're Donner - one of Santa's favourite reindeer! You're a hard-working creature that loves to help out at Christmas time, which is usefl because Santa wouldn't get very far without you! Onec Christmas is over you love playing outside and chilling out with your friends (until Christmas rolls back round again)! Would you rather be a different member of Santa's squad? Take this quiz again and see who you get next time!

You're an Elf!
You're Bunion - one of Santa's most reliable elves! As an elf you absolutley love Christmas, but it can be pretty stressful as you have so much work to do. Once Santa has left to drop off all the presents you've been making though - it's party time! Would you rather be a different member of Santa's squad? Take this quiz again and see who you get next time!