Emoji Quiz: Can You Guess The DIY Items?
This tricky emoji identification quiz is for real fans of homemade handywork! See how high you can score!
It's time for another brain-teasing emoji quiz! This time you have to see if you can spot these common DIY items and terms, just from emojis! Will you get the high score, or are you missing a few key items? Don't forget to check out our other emoji quizzes when you're done - try our emoji pop star, technology, and holiday quizzes!

What tool is this supposed to be?

And this one?

What tool shares its name with this emoji?

What measuring tool do these emojis represent?

What tool could these emojis represent?

What could these emojis possible represent?

These emojis represent someone who does DIY for a living - what's the word?

What tool shares its name with this emoji?

What tool do these emojis sound like?

Finally, these emojis represent a place to go buy DIY supplies - can you name it?

Whoops - looks like you don't know your tools! It's okay, you can always come back and have another go later!

Good attempt! You know a few things about DIY - but not quite everything! Why not come back later and have another go later?

Hey, well done - you did a great job! Next time you're sure to get a perfect score!

A perfect score - that's absolutely amazing! No one knows more about DIY than you - well done!