Eureka! It's a Science Emoji Quiz!
Are you an emoji Einstein? Test your knowledge of chemistry, biology and emojis with this ridiculous picture quiz!
Are you a budding scientist? Let's see if you can pass this rigorous emoji examination - all you have to do is answer these brain-tickling science questions, using emojis as clues! It starts off easy, but gets harder and harder! Fancy giving it a go? If you get all 10 questions right you can name this quiz after yourself! That's what real scientists do, anyway!
Ok, let's get down to the emoji lab and start quizzing!

What does this symbol mean?

Which of these animals is NOT a mammal?

What popular bit of science equipment is this?

What chemical element has the symbol "O"?

Here's a harder one! What chemical process is going on here?

And what chemical element is this?

And this one?

What big family of animals are octopus in? Hint - it's actually the same one snails are in!

Which one of these emojis is worse for climate change?

Should we be scared of robots?

Gasp! This is a failed experiment! You'd better get back to the lab and try and work out what went wrong here! But don't worry - we have lots of other quizzes for both the scientifically and emoji minded. Have a look!

Pretty good! This is a decent result! You clearly know a few things about science - and emojis too, by the looks of it! You missed out on a few right answers though - do you know where you went wrong, or do you need to do a bit more research? Try another quiz if you want to beat this score!

Yeaaah! Now this is a great result! You emoji experiment has been a big success! You didn't quite get 100% but never mind - science is all about learning from your mistakes! Good work! Now, can you beat this score on a different emoji quiz?

Amazing! Perfect! This is an Einstein-level emoji quiz result! They'll name a wing of some fancy European University after you for this one! Great work! Now... can you match this 10/10 score on a different science quiz? Let's find out!