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American Ninja Warrior Junior Quiz!

Do you have what it takes to ace this American Ninja Junior challenge? On your marks, ready... quiz!

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  August 19th 2024
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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024

Do you fancy yourself as the ultimate ninja warrior? No? Us neither. But whether you do or don't - before you start practising all those fiendish obstacle courses, you should have a go at this trivia quiz! It's like an assault course... but for your mind! And the great thing about this? You won't get wet!

So, try your hand at this epic American Ninja Junior quiz... and then see if you fancy giving the real thing a go! Ready?



If this show is American... where was the original Ninja Warrior show from?


Boys and girls compete with each other, all together. True or false?


Which of these is NOT a real age group on the show?


Last Ninja... what?

American Ninja Warrior Junior | ATS Team | ITVX Kids

How many contestants do you see each episode?


Finish the name of this obstacle! ___ Wall


Which of these is NOT a real obstacle?


What was special about Bella Palmer winning season 3?


Finish the name of this obstacle! Flying shelf...

American Ninja Warrior Junior | ATS Team | ITVX Kids

Who is Akbar Gbaja-Biamila?

American Ninja Warrior Junior | ATS Team | ITVX Kids

OUCH! That has to hurt! Cor... this is really a bit of a let down. You'd better have another go, and fast! Good luck next time, Ninja Warrior! And if you'd rather try a different quiz you're in luck - we have loads more!

American Ninja Warrior Junior | ATS Team | ITVX Kids

Pretty good! This score could be better - but it could be a lot worse too! It wasn't the fastest run, but you did actually make it to the finish line. Are you happy with this score? If not try again, or have a go at a different quiz!

American Ninja Warrior Junior | ATS Team | ITVX Kids

Very nice! You nailed this! Your Ninja skills are very impressive! It's not quite full marks but you definitely crossed the finish line! Well done! Do you want to see if you can beat this score on a different quiz? We have lots more where this one came from!

American Ninja Warrior Junior | ATS Team | ITVX Kids

Amazing! You nailed this quiz! Fantastic score - you truly are a Ninja Warrior! Amazing work! Now, thsi perfect score can't be beat - but can you match it on a different tv quiz? Let's find out!