Pick These Animals and We'll Tell You Your Favourite Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kracken Character
Like Ruby Gillman? Love animals? Then this is the quiz for you! Take your pick of these amazing animals and we'll tell you your favourite character!
We love Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken! As well being a great movie, it's full of amazing creatures from the deep. Some of these (like Krakens) are mythical, but they're often inspired by real life animals. So let's see if we can work out which character from the film is your favourite, just based off which animals you pick out of this list!
We've got some great critters for you to pick out... so without further ado, let's choose some of these beasties!

Pick one of these HUGE groups of animals:
2/10 Which of these weird squishy sea creatures is your favourite?

Ok! Now pick one of these animals!
4/10 Pick a fish! Any fish...
5/10 Now pick a bird!
6/10 Pick a type of creepy crawly:
7/10 Ok, now pick an underrated animal:
8/10 Next up - let's pick a mammal!

What animal would you imagine lives in this old chest?
10/10 Pick a weird looking animal:

You're Ruby!
You're the hero of the story - Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken! A kraken is a mythical sea monster (in this case an awakward teenager one) - most legends describe krakens as being like giant squid things with awesome powers. In the movie its laser vision, armour and camouflage! Not who you were expecting? Have another go and see which character you get next time!

You're Chelsea!
Just like Chelse, you're smart, confident and... up to no good! Chelsea is a mermaid, and a pretty evil one at that. Obviously mermaids are mythical creatures, but some legends say that they originally came from sailors seeing manatees and dugongs and thinking they were women with tails. Not who you were expecting? Have another go and see which character you get next time!

You're Connor!
You're Ruby's crush and the student she helps out with maths study - Connor! You're very much a human! You like skateboarding, breathing air, and eating solid food. Unlike many of the sea creatures in this quiz! Not who you wanted to be? Have another go and see which character you get next time!

You're Grandmamah!
You're Ruby's gran, the powerful Queen of the deep - Grandmamah! You're the leader of the Krakens, and Ruby's inspiration to be herself. Krakens are mythical creatures, which are often described a bit like gigantic squid or octopus! Either way, they seem to be quite strange creatures - like many of the animals in this quiz! Not who you were expecting? Have another go and see which character you get next time!