Are You Kevin McCallister From Home Alone?
Kevin is an unlikely hero - but what have you got in common?
He gets the job done, often in strange ways, but if there was someone trying to steal stuff from your house, do you think you’ve got enough in common with Kevin to keep them at bay?! There’s only one way to find out, and that’s right here - so what are you waiting for? Let’s find out!

What is your favourite colour?

A little cute rat has nibbled your bread, what do you do?

What is your favourite genre of music?

You’re defending your house, where do you start?

A suspicious polar bear knocks at your door, what do you do?

The burglar alarm is going off, what do you do?

Which vegetable is your favourite from this list?

What is your favourite thing about Christmas?

What is your dream breakfast?

Which animal would you have to protect your house?

Heck yes you are!
Pow! Okay, so maybe you’re secretly Kevin in real life - you’ve somehow jumped from the screen and into the real world! Just like Kevin, you’re amazingly independent, and it doesn’t matter if you’re at home or roaming the streets of New York you’ll be prepared for whatever comes next! You’ve got an eye for inventions, but maybe try making some less dangerous ones?

A hint of Kevin!
Nice! You’re definitely your own person, and that’s a good thing! Nobody wants to be the exact copy of someone else! But that said, there’s a little streak of Kevin in you - you’ve got an amazing ability to create new inventions out of the stuff you find around you! Not only that, but if you were dumped in a strange place on your own, you’d probably be able to find your way to safety, so long as nothing strange involving crime happened!

You’re barely Kevin at all!
Phew! Okay this might seem like a bad result, but really it isn’t! Kevin might be perfectly suited to protecting his house from home-invaders, but he usually ends up hurting them quite a lot in the process! You’re the kind of person that doesn’t care so much about possessions, and according to your answers, you probably think that there is a better way to stop crime than by hitting criminals in the head with irons!

You’re the ‘anti-Kevin’!
Blam! Okay, rogue results! You’re nothing like Kevin at all, in fact you’ve got more in common with Marv and the criminals who have set their entire lives to Kevin’s downfall! It’s not that you want to steal all the MacCallister’s stuff, but you hold a grudge, and you’re willing to spread your revenge over at least 3 films! Nice!