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Are You More Monica Or Rachel?

Which Friends girl are you and why? Take this personality quiz and we'll tell you once and for all if you're more Rachel or Monica!

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Beano Quiz Team • Updated March 23rd 2025

Monica and Rachel might be best friends, but they're very different people! Which one are you most like? Are you more neat freak Monica or spoilt girl Rachel? Let's find out! And if you liked this, there's loads more Friends quizzes right here! How about this Chandler's Jokes Quiz? Or maybe you'd prefer this quiz that tells you which of Monica's Jobs You'd Have? And we know you'll love this ultimate Ross Quiz!

1/10 Man with heart eyes and bunch of flowers

Choose a Friends love interest


2/10 Choose a wedding dress

3/10 Derpy giant panda looming over Rome

Pick somewhere to go on holiday

4/10 Dolphin poking out of woman's popcorn

Choose a chick flick

5/10 Beano unicorn leaping out of coffee grounds

What's the most important thing in your house?

6/10 Ducklings

Choose a Friends pet

7/10 Woman in lotus pose and yellow splats

Choose a fun thing to do on the weekend

8/10 Trifle topped with Beano banana

Choose some food

9/10 Rollerskates and screaming pineapple

What's your best quality?

10/10 Boat on water and arrow pointing to it

Finally; pick a Friends moment

You're Rachel! You're a free spirit who doesn't always know where they're going in life...but you really care about your friends! Whether its making them trifle (badly) or singing at their weddings (badly) you'll always be there for them!


You're Rachel! You're a free spirit who doesn't always know where they're going in life...but you really care about your friends! Whether its making them trifle (badly) or singing at their weddings (badly) you'll always be there for them!

You're just like Monica! Other people might see you as a bit of a control freak, but you're just trying to show you care! You love to make sure everything in your life is tidy, neat and prepared for any occasion! But you also love showing your friends you care, whether its by cooking them a delicious meal or showing them the importance of putting down coasters.


You're just like Monica! Other people might see you as a bit of a control freak, but you're just trying to show you care! You love to make sure everything in your life is tidy, neat and prepared for any occasion! But you also love showing your friends you care, whether its by cooking them a delicious meal or showing them the importance of putting down coasters.

You're neither Monica or Rachel - you're Gunther! You're favourite thing to do is make coffee and WISH you were Rachel or Monica. But don't worry - you're great the way you are!


You're neither Monica or Rachel - you're Gunther! You're favourite thing to do is make coffee and WISH you were Rachel or Monica. But don't worry - you're great the way you are!