Are You Rhett or Link? The Quiz
Which of these Internetainers is most like you? Take this mythical Rhett & Link quiz to find out!

@Rhett & Link | Youtube
Most important question first. Melted cheese or melted chocolate?
2/12 Pick a bit of cloth:

Are you messy or neat?

@Rhett & Link | Youtube
What do you think about?

Glasses or beard? Beard or glasses?

What are you doing at the weekend?

@Rhett & Link | Youtube
Are you a Nerd or a Geek?

@rhettandlink | giphy
Plain burger or burger with everything?

@Rhett & Link | Youtube
When it comes to being super manly, do you:

Which of these things is more annoying?

@CBBC | Giphy
Are you usually...

Would you rather eat boiled fried food or fried boiled food?

@rhettmc | instagram
You're Rhett!
You're the beardy superstar Rhett! You're into camping, basketball and will eat pretty much anything! Even boiled fried chicken steak! Bleeugh.

@linkneal | instagram
You're Link!
You're the smooth-faced genius Link! You're super smart and always up for a laugh - though you obsess a lot about details and are a bit of a picky eater. That's never stopped you eating plenty of gross food though!