Bananaman’s Name That Villain! Quiz
Bananaman's had a knock on the 'nana-noggin and he can't remember who his enemies are. Can you help him?

Name That Villain!

Who is this fruity foe?

What's that? She looks like a little old lady? Not quite - it's...

There's a cold front coming. But who's responsible?

He lives in the cold wastes of the Arctic. It's...

What's black and white and smells like a drain?

Like Bananaman, they aren't the smartest. But who are they?

He's the villain most likely to be behind Bananaman's bothers. He is...

He's got all the gear, but no idea. He is...

A slimy space baddie next. Who is he?

He's a doctor, but he won't make you feel better. Who is he?

Er... you can do better than that, right? Why don't you try again. In the meantime...

Not bad, not bad at all!

You are officially Top Banana!