Big City Greens Quiz: Can You Get 100 Percent?
Feel like you're the ultimate expert on Big City Greens? Prove it with our super awesome quiz!
Big City Greens is one of our fave shows from Disney at the moment - we just can't get enough of it! If you think you might be the show's biggest fan, this is the quiz for you! Then check out some other cartoon trivia quizzes - how well do you know Amphibia? Or Apple and Onion? Or you could quiz yourself on 90s cartoons here!
What's the name of the city the Greens live in?
What are the Greens' rival food company called?
What's Tilly's beloved doll called?
What city does Gloria dream of moving to?
Where does Cricket get a job?
Why was Cricket and Tilly's mom sent to jail?
What is Remy's last name?
What animal infested the Greens' house?
What scary event does Gramma warn everyone about on Halloween?
What is the name of Tilly's best friend?
Oh no! Maybe rewatch the show and try again for a better score!
Not bad! Maybe rewatch the show and try again for a better score!
Hey, you're pretty good! Maybe rewatch the show and try again for a better score!
Hey, you're a total expert! We bet you could do a PhD in Big City Greens!