How Well Do You Know Catering Christmas?
If you love a feel-good Christmas romance film, Catering Christmas should be on your watch list - and here's the quiz to prove you were paying attention!
It's the tastiest Christmas film around, and if you're a fan you'll already know it inside out! See if you can get the top score in this trivia quiz - will you be able to clear your plate? Or will it be a total turkey? And don't forget to try some of our other Christmas quizzes, too - have a go at the unusual Christmas trivia quiz, or see how well you know Disney at Christmas!

What is the main character's name?

What's her job?

What's the name of her company?

What is Carson's job?

What event is Molly catering?

The film is a Netflix original - true or false?

Which US state does the film take place in?

What is sold in the charity silent auction?

Who is Isabella?

What nostalgic food does Molly recreate for Aunt Jean?

Oops - not very festive! Don't worry, there's always time to come back and give it another go!

Not bad - you definitely watched the film! Can you get a higher score, though - why not try again and see?

Hey, good work! You were definitely paying attention to the film! Well done! Maybe have one more go and see if you can make that score perfect?

Perfect score - absolutely amazing! You're Catering Christmas's biggest fan! Well done!