Choose Your Own Alien Adventure
Where will you end up when you have an extra terrestrial encounter? The answer is written in the stars (well, actually, it's in this quiz)
Choose Your Own Alien Adventure

You wake up in the middle of the night - what's woken you?

You go downstairs and pull on your coat - what else do you bring?

You follow your instinct into the woods and you see a weird green light up ahead. What do you do?

The green light appears to be some sort of object. As you step nearer, something crunches under your foot. What is it?

You can clearly see now that the green glowing object is...a spaceship! What does it look like?

The hatch opens and out comes...an alien! How does it appear?

The alien is waving its arms in a gesture. What do you think it's trying to say?

You suddenly realise what the mysterious object is a translation machine! How does it work?

Now you can speak to the alien - what does it want?

What do you say?

Suddenly, another noise from somewhere else - what is it?

This is all a bit freaky, maybe you should leave! What do you do?

You seems to have knocked yourself out and lose consciousness. What do you dream about?

When you wake up you're inside the spaceship. What does it look like?

Now you're in a cool alien ship, do you have any requests?

You really should be getting home, because...

The alien wants you to help fix the ships control panel - what do you do?

It worked! The ship is buzzing into life! What's the alien saying now?

What do you say?

You decide to...

Uh oh, you've been abducted by the aliens! Maybe that sucks you wanted to go back to bed! But maybe it's a dream come true - you've always wanted to visit space!

Men In Black
You wake up back in bed! Was it all a dream? The doorbell rings and there are two mysterious men in suits there...and suddenly your mind goes fuzzy...

You wake up...everything looks a little bit more red than usual...oh no! You're on Mars! How did you get there? Oh well, at least you can breathe! Maybe it'll be a cool place to explore...