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Personality Quiz: Could You Be The World’s Worst Supervillain?

It's harder than it looks to be a supervillain! Do you have what it takes to be REALLY BAD?

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  August 19th 2024
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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024

Let's face it - it's HARD to be a supervillain! Everyone knows that the good guys win in the end... most of the time, anyway. Do you think you have what it takes to be the one in a million supervillain who could defeat the Avengers or the Justice League? Take this quiz and find out if you have what it takes to be truly evil!

Could you be the world's worst supervillain?


1/15 Let's say that you've just broken out of jail after having your last evil plan foiled by Wonder Woman or Spider-Man. What is the FIRST thing you do after busting out?


2/15 Let's say that you're back in your super secret evil villain's lair. This place is a tip! What's the first thing you do now?


3/15 Maybe it's time for a rebrand? Which of these new villain names would you pick, if you had to?


OK, let's actually stay with your old villain name, it was much better. But ugh, just look at your old supervillain outfit. What were you thinking?! Time to update the look. Which of these things do you add to your new costume immediately?


5/15 Maybe it's time to think about a villain team-up? Which of these people should you NOT ring if you wanted a partner-in-crime?


6/15 It's time to pick a target for your next great plan! Which of these things are you going to try to steal?


OK, you you have your plan, your new costume, and maybe even a new partner in crime. What do you do the night before your big heist?


8/15 It's here, the big day is here! You're so excited! What should you do before you head out to steal your target?


9/15 The heist is on! What are you going to shout to the security guards who are trying to stop you?


Now, which of your supervillain vehicles will you use to get to the scene of the crime?


11/15 Uh-oh, there isn't enough room in the bags you brought for all the jewels, and you know your enemy the superhero is probably on their way here right now! What do you do? 


12/15 OH NO! On your way out of the vault your arch-nemesis the superhero has arrived! What do you do?

The CW | YouTube

Uh-oh, looks like that didn't work! You should have known, your enemy always finds a way to defeat you...


14/15 No! Not again! You can fight back and win, for the first time ever! What do you do now?


15/15 I can't believe that worked! You're going to get away with it! What do you do when you get back to your lair?

Oh, dear. Oh dear, dear, dear. I think you're too pure of heart to be a supervillain! You're about as evil as this smiling baby. Or maybe you just love sleeping too much... Why not try again and, this time, try picking answers that are the OPPOSITE of what you'd do?

Marvel Entertainment | YouTube

Hmmm, not bad... But I don't think you'd ever win against a C-list superhero like Hawkeye, let alone the big hitters like Wonder Woman or Iron Man! Give it another go and really think about what you'd do if you wanted to be a serious supervillain!

Marvel Entertainment | YouTube

That's OK! Some people aren't cut out to be a supervillain. Maybe you could be a dentist, or a superhero, or a teacher? OR... you could try our quiz again!

Mutant Enemy Productions |

Wow! You are a truly awesome supervillain! You always give the heroes a run for their money and, even if you don't always get away with it, you'll go down in the history books as one of the worst villains the planet has ever seen.

Marvel Entertainment | YouTube

WHAT!? How is this possible? You're the BEST at being BAD! Forget stealing jewels, it's about time you started thinking about conquering the world! ALL HAIL YOU!