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Danger Force Trivia Quiz

There is a lot to know about this hilarious superhero show - but will you score well?!

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  August 19th 2024
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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024

Are you a superhero when it comes to quizzes, or are you just a bumbling co-substitute teacher?! There’s only one way to find out and that’s right here with YET ANOTHER top quality world saving quiz! So strap yourself in and let’s what you’ve got when it comes to Danger Force knowledge!


Where is Danger Force set?

Nickelodeon | YouTube

What is Schwoz’s job?


Drex Stinklebaum used to be Captain Man’s what…

Nickelodeon | YouTube

What is Captain Man’s surname?

Nickelodeon | YouTube

What is Henry Hart’s superhero name?

Nickelodeon | YouTube

What is Henry’s sister called?

Nickelodeon | YouTube

What is Mika’s superhero name?


What colour is AWOL?

Nickelodeon | YouTube

What are Brainstorms powers?


What is S.W.A.G?

Nickelodeon | YouTube

Oh dear! It looks like you don’t know very much at all about this amazing show! But that's okay! Not everybody can be a genius when it comes to quizzes! Maybe you just need to spend a little bit more time researching this show and then come back once you've had another try? You could always just randomly smash buttons too - that might work?

Nickelodeon | YouTube

Alright! Okay, so you might not have the full skill-set required to be in the Danger Force yourself, but you're getting there! A bit more practice and experience and you might just well make it! But seriously, you're on the way, so why not check out some of your favourite clips from the show, take some deep breaths and get straight back into it!

Nickelodeon | YouTube

Awesome! You’ve got some really impressive knowledge when it comes to Danger Force! You’re the kind of quizzing skills that could really change the world! The important thing is that you use your powers for good and not evil! So be sure to think about how your enormous brain can help people rather than be used in the service of Tiny Ray or Danny Chest!

Nickelodeon | YouTube

Amazing! You’ve scored full marks on this quiz and shown that you’ve got a super power all of your own! The ability to remember TV shows and then smash quizzes about the! If that isn’t a superpower then we don’t know what is!? What a result! Enjoy the glory, soak it up -and when you’re done showing off, why not check out some of the other quizzes we’ve got on the site!?