Tell Us Your Fave Disney Film And We'll Tell You Your Teenage Mutant Ninja Aesthetic!
Want to find out if you're more sewercore than pizza rat? Just take this quiz - it'll be easier than trying to explain it!
Like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? Love Disney movies? Well not only will this quiz tick both of those boxes - it'll also tell you exactly what kind of bizarre Turtle-Tiktok trend to base your look around! So what are you waiting for? Answer these questions and we'll work out what your Teenage Mutant Ninja Tirtle Aesthetic is!
You honestly might need some help working it out without this quiz!

Pick one of these Disney films:

Your favourite thing about Disney movies is... what?

Pick a Disney sidekick:

When you're not watching Disney movies, what are you doing?

Pick an aesthetic:

Pick a Disney villain:

Now pick a Pixar movie!

What would you rather wear whilst watching a Disney movie?

What's your favourite thing about Star Wars?

OK! Last Disney movie question! Pick one of these!

You're Sewercore!
Your Teenage Mutant Ninja Aestethic is sewercore! You like all things damp and dingy, and love hanging out in stinky places. Your favourite thing to do is lurk beneath the city eating pizza and chasing villains. And your fashion sense matches that! Not the Teenage Mutant Ninja Aestethic you were expecting? Have another go and see what you get next time!

You're Pizza Rat!
Your favourite thing about the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is the pizza! You're much more of a mammal than your Turtle friends, and model your fashion sense on a rat that eats pizza in the sewers all day. It's a great look! Not the Teenage Mutant Ninja Aestethic you were expecting? Have another go and see what you get next time!

You're Splinterpunk!
You're obsessed with martial arts, and are the wisest person you know (so humble, too)! Your favourite Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle character is Splinter the rat, and you love dressing in practical robes. Not the Teenage Mutant Ninja Aestethic you were expecting? Have another go and see what you get next time!

You're Turtle Grandma!
You love getting cosy in the sewer, and are the closest thing to cottagecore a Teenage Mutant Ninja Aesthetic can get. When you're not off battling baddies, you can be found knitting or shopping for comfortable warm jumpers. Not the Teenage Mutant Ninja Aestethic you were expecting? Have another go and see what you get next time!