How Well Do You Know Enid Sinclair?
Can you get the top score on this trivia quiz on everyone's favourite bestie?
If you're crazy about Netflix's Wednesday, you're probably also a big fan of Enid Sinclair! She's Wednesday's super chatty best friend, and exactly what Wednesday needs to come out of her shell! See how well you were paying attention with this ultimate Enid trivia quiz? And if you still need more Wednesday - find out what character you are, try our trivia quiz for the show, or see how well you know lead actress Jenna Ortega!

Which US city is Enid from?

Which sport does Enid love?

Enid is secretly a magical creature - but what kind?

Which Addams family member (apart from Wednesday) does Enid befriend?

Wednesday | Netflix | Tim Burton | Kayla Alpert
What colours does Enid like to wear in her hair?

What are Enid's parents called?

Who is Enid's boyfriend?

What animal does Enid dress up as for the Poe Cup?

What's Enid's favourite colour?

What change does Enid like to add to her school uniform?

Wednesday | Netflix | Tim Burton | Kayla Alpert
Oops! Maybe rewatch the series and have another go?

Wednesday | Netflix | Tim Burton | Kayla Alpert
Not bad at all! You're a bit of fan for sure! Why not have another go and see if you can bring your score up?

Wednesday | Netflix | Tim Burton | Kayla Alpert
Great job! You're a big Enid fan! Why not try once more and see if you can make your score perfect?

Wednesday | Netflix | Tim Burton | Kayla Alpert
PERFECT! You're Enid's biggest fan!