The Ultimate Enola Holmes Quiz
How much do you know about this great detective?

Enola Holmes | Netflix | Legendary Pictures, PCMA Productions
Who goes missing?

Enola Holmes | Netflix | Legendary Pictures, PCMA Productions
Enola's brother is Sherlock Holmes. But what's their other brother called?

Enola Holmes | Netflix | Legendary Pictures, PCMA Productions
Who plays Enola?

Enola Holmes | Netflix | Legendary Pictures, PCMA Productions
How old is Enola in the film?

Enola Holmes | Netflix | Legendary Pictures, PCMA Productions
Where does Enola go after she runs away from home?

Enola Holmes | Netflix | Legendary Pictures, PCMA Productions
Which martial art has Enola been taught by her mother?

Enola Holmes | Netflix | Legendary Pictures, PCMA Productions
How does Tewkesbury smuggle Enola out of the finishing school?

Enola Holmes | Netflix | Legendary Pictures, PCMA Productions
What does Enola disguise herself as when visiting Tewkesbury's parents?

Enola Holmes | Netflix | Legendary Pictures, PCMA Productions
What has Enola never done?

Enola Holmes | Netflix | Legendary Pictures, PCMA Productions
Why are flowers important in the film?

Enola Holmes | Netflix | Legendary Pictures, PCMA Productions
Amazing! You're almost as good a detective as Enola! Well done for spotting all the clues!

Enola Holmes | Netflix | Legendary Pictures, PCMA Productions
Well done! Enola would be impressed!

Enola Holmes | Netflix | Legendary Pictures, PCMA Productions
Hmm, you're being a bit of a Mycroft here and not seeing the bigger picture. Have another go!

Enola Holmes | Netflix | Legendary Pictures, PCMA Productions
Uh oh, looks like someone needs to go back to finishing school!