Friends: Brilliant Blooper Quiz
Bloopers? Behind the scenes? Only true fans will know them!
With so many episodes, things often go wrong, and with a show like Friends, they’re usually pretty funny too! So if you’re a super fan of the show, you’ll know some of the best ones! And if you think you’ve got it in you to remember them then this is your chance to prove yourself!

Who gets their dress caught in the door?

It’s not easy to remember your lines, but how long did each episode take to film?

Ross sometimes finds it hard to remember his lines - can you remember what the rats in the dryer room are attracted to?

There are tonnes of mistakes in Friends, but in one scene, what magically wraps itself?

What hot liquid does Rachel nearly trip over while holding?

Katie often ruined takes, but why?

For a bonus point, what type of monkey was Katie?

What did Chandler have on his face that made everyone on set laugh?

In the very first episode, a filming mistake meant that which character was in two places at the same time?

In the show’s flashbacks, how many times have Rachel and Chandler met?

Oh dear! Okay, so you’ve not done quite as well as you would have liked here, but don’t worry! These bloopers didn’t make it into the show for a reason - Chandler walking into a door frame might be funny - but it’s not ‘really’ part of the show. But if you think you can do better, why not have another go at the quiz and see if you can score higher?!

Nice! You’ve clearly watched some of the hilarious videos from the Friend’s blooper reel! You know the difference between a real and an accidental joke! Well done! But you missed a few of the good ones, so why not have another shot at the quiz and see if you can pick out all the right answers this time around?!

Awesome! What an incredible brain you’ve got! It’s difficult enough to remember individual episodes of Friends, let alone all the little behind the scenes clips from the show! Well done! There really isn’t much you don’t know about it! But if you think you’ve got the brain power to score 100% on this quiz then there’s only one thing to do - and that’s give it one more try! Of course, you could check out some of the other quizzes we’ve got?

Epic! Incredible! We’re speechless - and that’s not because we’ve forgotten our lines - we’re just shocked at how well you've remembered all those little facts about Friend’s and the behind the scenes funniest moments! Well done! You deserve all the glory! So what’s next? Maybe a little rest?