Friends First Lines: Who Said It?
It's time to put your Friends quotes knowledge to the real test - can you remember every character's first line?
It's one thing to know all the best quotes in Friends - but if you're a superfan, you'll know EVERYTHING! This quiz will see how much you know about the main characters' first appearances - who said what, and when? See how high you can score - we know you can do it! Don't forget to try our other quizzes too - try this Friends quotes quiz, or see how much like Monica you are!
Who says the first line of the whole series: "There's nothing to tell! It's just some guy I work with."
What is Joey's first line?
Whose first line is this: "So does he have a hump? A hump and a hairpiece?"
What is Phoebe's first line?
What is Ross's first line?
And what's Rachel's first line?
Whose first line is this: ""Oh, Martha Ludwin's daughter is going to call you."
"Oh my god!" is Janice's catchphrase, but are they the first words we ever hear her say?
In which season did Gunther first speak?
What was Ben's first line?
Uh oh - looks like you need to get re-acquainted with the opening lines from your fave Friends characters! Never mind - it's a great excuse to watch the series again!
Not bad - you know the top lines in Friends! We bet you can get a higher score though - why not come back later and see?
Very good! You know the best Friends quotes, and you know some of the more obscure lines too! Well done! Next time, you're sure to get a perfect ten!
A perfect score - AMAZING! No one knows more about Friends quotes than you! Well done!