Gaten Matarazzo Quiz
How well do you know Gaten Matarazzo? Find out with our top Gaten Matarazzo quiz!
Gaten Matarazzo Quiz

What year was Gaten born?

He stars in which TV show?

Strangers Things | 21 Laps Entertainment | Netflix
What's his character's name?

Gaten suffers from cleidocranial dysostosis which affects his...

Strangers Things | 21 Laps Entertainment | Netflix
Which Broadway show did Gaten star in?

Where was Gaten born?

Which pop star's music video did he appear in?

Gaten is in a band, what's it called?

Gaten's character can usually be found wearing...

What star sign is Gaten?

@gatenm123 | Instagram
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@gatenm123 | Instagram
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@gatenm123 | Instagram
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@gatenm123 | Instagram
Gaten would be proud!