Gen 2 Pokemon Quiz - Can You Name 'Em All?
Are you a walking Pokedex? You'll have to be if you want to score full marks on this extra-hard Gen 2 Pokemon quiz!
Every now and again a new generation of Pokemon come out - and as many as 150 amazing new creatures join the Pokemon universe! There are thousands of Pokemon at this point - but can you reach back in time and remember some of the coolest Pokemon from Generation 2? Test your knowledge with this Poke-tastic trivia quiz!

What's the name of this Gen 2 Pokemon?

What about this one?

And this owl-like Pokemon?

Next up, it's a flying poison type Pokemon. It's... who?

Next up is a very mysterious Pokemon. What's it called?

And who's this?

Next up we have... this thing!

Name that Poke-pooch!

Who's this pile of fluff?

And last but not least it's... who?

Bah - too bad! This is a disappointing score, but never mind. Granbull might be annoyed, but don't worry. You can always have another go and see if you can score higher next time! Otherwise we have lots of other Pokemon quizzes for you to try!

Pretty good! Granbull looks kind of annoyed but don't worry about that. They always have that expression! This is a decent score! Could be higher, but could be lower too. Feel like having another go and seeing if you can do EVEN better? Otherwise we have lots of other quizzes to try!

Amazing! You know loads about these Gen 2 Pokemon! You pretty much nailed this quiz - you just got one or two answers wrong. Do you know which ones? Let's see if you can beat this score on a different Pokemon quiz!

Wow! Full marks! You got every single one right! Amazing! You know everything there is to know about Gen 2 Pokemon! Great work - now you can't beat this score, but you might be able to match it on a different quiz! Up for the challenge? We have lots more where this came from!