Hard Heartstopper Quiz For Superfans!
Reckon you know more about Heartstopper than anyone? Put your knowledge to the test with this tricky trivia quiz!
Everyone loves Heartstopper, but it will take a serious fan to get ten out of ten in this quiz! See how well you really know the show - can you get full marks, or will you have to drop out? If you need more Heartstopper in your life, try our easier trivia quiz, or learn some amazing facts about the show!

True or false: the series is based on a comic?

What year did the show come out?

Which Oscar-wining actress plays Nick's mum?

What's the name of the school the main characters go to?

A character from the comics was adapted out for the show - do you know his name?

Which actor voices the unseen headmaster?

What's the name of Charlie's first boyfriend?

What's the name of the girls' school that Elle attends?

How does the series show emotional moments between the characters?

What language can Nick speak?

Oops - looks like you need to brush up on your Heartstopper knowledge! It's okay, you can always come back and have another go - and it's a great excuse to watch the series again!

Not bad at all! A totally respectable score for such a tricky quiz, well done! Next time, you're sure to get a higher score!

Very good, well done! This was a tricky quiz, and you really brought your A-game! Next time, you're sure to get a perfect score!

A perfect score - now that's SERIOUSLY impressive! No one knows more about Heartstopper than you! Well done!