How Much Like Forky from Toy Story Are You?
Forky is a brand new character in Toy Story - but how much like him are you? Take this quiz and find out!

What do you think of this guy's eyebrow?

toystory | twitter
Do you ever get confused about things?

Pick a piece of cutlery:

What are you eating for dinner?

One of your favourite toys breaks. What do you do?

toystory | Twitter
How would you describe your friends?

sheepfilms | giphy
On a scale of 1-10, how much do you like googly eyes?

toystory | twitter
What's the meaning of life?

Are you good at sports?

toystory | twitter
Pick a quote:

toystory | twitter
You're just like Forky!
You and Forky are like 2 peas in a pod! Just watch out nobody tries to throw you in the bin!

toystory | twitter
You're a bit like Forky!
You and Forky might have a few things in common, but you're not exactly the same. That's ok though - just be yourself!

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You're nothing like Forky!
...But that's ok! Who wants to be like a plastic fork thing anyway?