Which Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts Character Are You Quiz?
Are you Kipo or one of her Wonderbeast friends? Let's find out with this personality quiz! Answer some questions and see who you are!
Which character from Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts Character are you? Find out with this personality quiz! Answer these questions and we'll tell you which of Kipo's friends you are! And if you liked this, check out more TV quizzes here! Find out which Wednesday character you are! Or how about this spooky TV quiz? You might even be ready for this ultimate Gravity Falls quiz!

Choose an animal

Pick a useful animal superpower

Choose a group

What sort of post-apocalyptic world would you prefer to live in?

Pick a post-apocalyptic film

Pick a series of the show

Pick a famous mutant or weird creature

Choose another cartoon

Which of these best describes you?

Pick one more animal

You're Kipo! You have all the strength and stealth of a jaguar! You've always been a bit sheltered, but you're keen to learn and will do anything to help your friends!

Uh oh, you're Scarlemagne! You're ruthless, powerful and will stop at nothing to get what you want! Plus, you probably have a red butt!

You're Wolf! You can be a bit standoffish, to say the least, but you're truly loyal to those you care about, and will do anything for them!

Benson Mekler
You're Benson Mekler! While you might not be the most unique person in the world, you're also thoughtful, kind and always read to help those in need!