Which Legend of Korra Character Are You?
Are you the spitting image of Mako? A little like Lin Beifong? Find out which character from the Legend of Korra is most like you with this epic character quiz!
Are you a fan of this unbelivably good Avatar spinoff? Of course you are! But being a fan isn't enough - you'll have to answer these 10 tricky questions if you want to know which character from the show is most like you!
So read on and find out if you are who you thought you were... and watch out, you might be in for a surprise! Ready to take the test and find out?
Let's go!

Pick a texture:

What's your favourite type of bending?

Pick an animal:

Which city would you rather live in?

What do you think of rules?

You are... what?

What would you rather do with your time off?

What do you think of Tenzin?

What can't you live without?

What job would you rather have?

You're Korra!
You're the hero of the show, the fiery chosen one Korra! You succeeded Aang and are a hugely talented airbender, that often doesn't play by the rules. Oh, and you have a pet polar bear! Doesn't get much cooler than that. Would you rather be a different character? Try this quiz again and see what happens!

You're Mako!
You're a skilled fire-bender who became a cop, and then one of Korra's best friends. You're reliable and trustworthy, but can appear a bit grumpy to people who don't know you well. And you wanted want to be up against you in a fight! Not sure this is the right fit? Have another go and see who you get next time!

You're Bolin!
You're Mako's brother - the earthbender, Bolin! You helped start the Fire Ferrets and are a great friend to Korra. Despite being an experienced fighter, you're fun and laidback. Unlike your brother! Would you rather be a different character? Try this quiz again and see what happens!

You're Lin Beifong!
You're the hard-nosed city cop, Lin Beifong! You do everything by the book, even if it means arresing your own sister! You're no-nonsense, smart and you'll always do what you think to be the right thing, even if that means other people think you're moody. Would you rather be a different character? Have another go and we'll see who you get next time!