10 Question On My Block Quiz!
How much do you know about this hit Netflix show? Test your trivia now!

On My Block | Crazy Cat Lady Productions | Netflix
In which city is On My Block set?

On My Block | Crazy Cat Lady Productions | Netflix
Which school do they attend?
On My Block | Crazy Cat Lady Productions | Netflix
3/10 Which subject is Ruby Martinez particularly good at?

On My Block | Crazy Cat Lady Productions | Netflix
What nickname does Cesar Diaz give Monse Finnie because she's so bossy?

On My Block | Crazy Cat Lady Productions | Netflix
What's Cesar's nickname, then?

On My Block | Crazy Cat Lady Productions | Netflix
Why did Jamal Turner quit the American football team?

On My Block | Crazy Cat Lady Productions | Netflix
What's the name of this hamburger?

On My Block | Crazy Cat Lady Productions | Netflix
How do you spell Ruby's mother's name?

On My Block | Crazy Cat Lady Productions | Netflix
Early on in the show, what puzzle does Jamal solve quickly?

On My Block | Crazy Cat Lady Productions | Netflix
What is Cesar about to ask Monse in this scene?

On My Block | Crazy Cat Lady Productions | Netflix
Oh no! Better luck next time

On My Block | Crazy Cat Lady Productions | Netflix
Good try! Why not have another go?

On My Block | Crazy Cat Lady Productions | Netflix
Great work! You know your stuff when it comes to On My Block!

On My Block | Crazy Cat Lady Productions | Netflix
Wow! You're an expert when it comes to On My Block!