Percy Jackson And The Sea Of Monsters Quiz!
Do you belong in Camp Halfblood? Or could you find the Golden Fleece? Find out here!
Fun fact: Disney+ are doing a brand new Percy Jackson series soon! We're huge fans of the books so we couldn't be more excited! But the movies that came out a while back are also pretty fun! Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters was the second film starring Logan Lerman as Percy Jackson, and it's great fun for fans of Greek mythology! See how well you can remember the movie with this fun, monster-filled quiz!
We have more Percy Jackson fun, too - find out which god is your parent, or which character you're most like!

Who is Percy's dad?

What are Percy and the gang on a quest to find?

What happened to Thalia Grace?

What magical species is Tyson?

What kind of vehicle is the Chariot of Damnation?

Which spooky part of the world is the Sea of Monsters in?

What's the name of Luke's yacht?

What is Charybdis?

Which US state is Circeland near?

Which creature nearly harms Annabeth?

Oh no! Looks like you're not so up to date on your PJ trivia! Maybe rewatch the movie and give it another go?

Not bad! You remember a thing or two. Maybe rewatch the movie and give it another go?

Hey, you're pretty good at this! Maybe rewatch the movie and see if you can get your score perfect!

Wow! You're the GOD of Percy Jackson trivia! Are you actually Rick Riordan?