Cruella Or Hook... Which Disney Villain Are You?
Find out by taking this fiendish quiz!
Mirror mirror, on the wall, who’s the baddest of them all? To find out you're going to have to take our handy which Disney villain are you quiz…
Being a Disney Villain, you're likely to be feeling wronged by something that happened a zillion years ago! They tend to be greedy, jealous and bitter.
Did you know that Disney has created over 125 villains in its long history! They also have some of the best songs like Ursulas 'Poor Unfortunate Souls,' from The Little Mermaid 'Gaston' from Beauty and the Beast and 'You're Only Second Rate' from Aladdin: The Return of Jafar.
All these villains are charming, smart and actually kinda cool to look at. That's what makes them such good villains!
Although we can't fit them all in this quiz, we can match you to some of the best Disney villains out there with our epic 25 question quiz.Â

What's your best quality

Okay, so what's the perfect place for an evil lair?

Pick a colour scheme

What's your laugh like?

Why are you so evil?

Pick a food

What's your motto in life?

How would you describe your style?

Who would you choose as your perfect sidekick?

Choose an evil accessory

You've gotta have some special powers! What would they be?

If you could wear one evil outfit, what would it be?

What would be your evil weapon of choice?

What do you hate the most?

What's your best feature?

What would be your evil catchphrase?

What couldn’t you live without?

How would your friends describe you?

What's your fave colour?

What's your fave past-time?

What's your Halloween costume?

What are the best skills for a villain to have?

What's the worst way to end a movie?

What kind of mood are you usually in?

Final question. What's your mischief level right now?Â

You're the Wicked Witch from Snow White
Who cares what you look like on the outside if you look like a witch on the inside!Seriously, stop staring at the mirror and get out and have some fun.Oh yeah, and stop poisoning all those apples!

You're Captain Hook from Peter Pan
Ah, the pirate life. It's great isn't it? Well, apart from all that splicing the mainbrace and scraping the boat for barnacles, that is. And keeping an ear out for crocodiles, of course... hold on, does anyone hear a clock ticking?

You're Ursula from The Little Mermaid
Under the sea... Yes, who doesn't like to be beneath the rolling waves? It's just a shame there's so many pesky mermaids down here. Mind you, that's nothing a bit of batter and a nice plate of chips couldn't sort out.

You're Scar from The Lion King
You're the King of the Jungle... only trouble is no-one seems to give you the respect you deserve. But they might if you had even bigger claws and even sharper teeth. Then again, you might just end up eating everybody who disagrees with you, which could get a bit awkward.

You're Cruella De Vil from 101 Dalmatians
Fashion, darling. It's what you live for.But ask yourself this... does a Dalmatian really have to give up their coat just so you can look good?If the answer's yes, then it's the doghouse for you... But you didn't need a Disney quiz to tell you that!

You're Hades from Hercules
Oh heck! You're as bad as they come! Seriously, there's no-one better to lead an army of the undead than you, so well done!If they gave a prize for being the world's biggest villain, you'd get it (unless you'd stolen it already, that is).