Personality Quiz: What Percentage Princess Jasmine Am I?
Ever wonder how similar you are to Princess Jasmine? Take the quiz and find out immediately!
Good luck, your majesty!
At a birthday party, how much cake could you eat?
What's your favourite type of animal?
What sort of hat you wear?
Where would you most like to go on holiday?
What's your favourite mode of transport?
What words would your friends use to describe you?
What's your favourite takeaway meal?
What's your favourite way of spending a sunny afternoon?
If you could design a house, what would it look like?
What's your favourite type of bread?
You are: 100% Princess Jasmine!
You couldn't be more like Princess Jasmine if you tried! Would you like a cup of tea, your highness?
You are: 67% Princess Jasmine!
You're quite like Princess Jasmine, aren't you? All you need is a tiara or something.
You are: 11% Princess Jasmine!
You're a little bit like Princess Jasmine, but love pizza and wear normal hats.
You are: 0% Princess Jasmine!
You're not like Princess Jasmine at all. In fact, you're more like the flower. That's just want the computer told us!