Can You Ace This Roblox: Barbie DreamHouse Tycoon Quiz?
See if you're the ultimate expert on this super-fun Barbie-themed Roblox quiz!
Hi, Barbie! Welcome to the biggest, bestest, pinkest Roblox quiz on the whole internet! See how much you know about Barbie DreamHouse Tycoon - if you've put a lot of hours into the game, this will be super-easy! Don't forget to check out some of our other Roblox quizzes - see how well you know Escape the Bakery, Watermelon Go!, and Pilfering Pirates!

Which platform is Barbie DreamHouse Tycoon available on?

Which toy brand features in the game?

When was the game announced?

Which of these is NOT a prize you can win?

Where can you play the game?

True or false - it's the first ever official Barbie Roblox game?

How many floors can you build on your DreamHouse?

And how many rooms can you have?

Which of these is not a minigame?

What is the central square called?

Uh oh - looks like you've got a lot to learn! Don't worry, it's a great excuse to play the game some more!

Not bad at all - you definitely know a few things about the game! Well done! But why not have another go and see if you can get a higher score?

Very good - you're clearly a huge fan of the game! Well done! Why not try once more and see if you can bring your score up?

A perfect score - well done! You might be the biggest fan of Barbie DreamHouse Tycoon in the whole world!