How Well Do You Know Ross Geller's Strange Foods Preferences?
How much do you know about Ross Geller's unusual food habits? Will you score high - or wil it be a total turkey sandwich?
Everyone knows Joey loves to eat, and Monica is an amazing cook - but what about Ross? He has a few interesting food preferences himself, and this quiz will see exactly how much you know about them! See how high you can score - are you Ross's biggest fan, or will it all get scraped into the bin? Don't forget to try our other Friends quizzes - see how high you can score on this obscure trivia quiz, or how much you know about Friends weddings!

True or false: Ross doesn't share food?

What does Ross say Rachel's horrible English trifle tastes like?

What kind of food does Ross spend all of Season 5 Episode 9 craving?

And what was in that food?

What food does Ross say he hates, but is seen eating in later episodes?

What food does Ross eat off the floor with Rachel and Chandler?

What food is Ross given after he's stood up by a date in the episode "The One With The Blind Dates"?

Which of these foods is Ross NOT allergic to?

Who eats Ross's special sandwich?

What do Ross and Monica eat with their parents in the very second episode of the show?

Oops! Looks like you don't know everything about Ross's peculiar food habits! Don't worry, you can always come back and have another go - and it's a great excuse to watch Friends again!

Good effort! You know a few things about Ross's weird food preferences - but not quite everything! Why not come back later and see if you can bring your score up?

Very good! You know a LOT about Ross's strange food habits, even some of the more obscure ones! Well done! Next time, you're bound to get a perfect score!

A perfect score - delicious! You know everything about Ross and his strange food preferences, even the really obscure ones! You're a true Friends expert!