Friends Quiz: Can You Guess These Smelly Cat Lyrics?
See how well you know the classic lyrics of this Phoebe Buffay banger!
Is it the worst song ever, or the best song ever? It's up to you - but if you're a real fan, you'll definitely know all the lyrics! Take the quiz and see if you know every word! Don't forget to try some of our other Friends quizzes, too - find out what per cent Phoebe you are, or see how much you know about Phoebe and Mike!

Friends | Bright/Kauffman/Crane, Warner Bros | NBC
"Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat, What are they _________"

"Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat, it's not your ______"

"They won't take you to the vet, You're obviously not their favorite ____"

"You may not be a bed of _____"

"You're no ______ to those with noses"

Friends | Bright/Kauffman/Crane, Warner Bros | NBC
"I'll miss you before we're done, or the world will ______ as one"

"One, two, what's that _______?"

"Smеlly Cat, Smelly Cat, you're getting ______"

"All the _______ in the neighborhood, are saying this for your own good"

"You smell like something ______"

Oh no - looks like the lyrics of this absolute banger are evading you! Don't worry, you can always come back and have another go later!

Not bad - you know the chorus at least! Well done! Next time you try, you're bound to score higher!

Very good! You can probably sing the song from memory - maybe almost perfectly! Well done!

An absolutely perfect score - well done! That is truly impressive (and maybe a little bit scary)!