Spirit Rangers Quiz: How Much Do You Know?
If Spirit Rangers is your fave new Netflix animation, you'll love this magical trivia quiz!
Spirit Rangers is an awesome adventure about a Native American family of park rangers and their magical adventures! If you wish you were hanging out with the Skycedar family, this quiz will hit the spot - see how much you remember about the show! For more cartoon fun, try some of our other quizzes - test yourself on Ridley Jones and Ada Twist, Scientist, or find out which Santiago of the Seas character you are!

Where can you watch Spirit Rangers?

Which of the following is NOT one of the lead characters in the show?

What's the name of the national park the series is set in?

Which US state is the park in?

What's Eddy's spirit form?

What's amazing about Native American representation in this series?

How can you tell a regular spirit apart from a magical spirit?

How many stories are there in an episode?

What's Eddy's special ability in his spirit form?

What are the names of the monster hunters in episode 8?

Oh no! Why not have another go and see if you can bring your score up?

Not bad! You clearly enjoy the show! Why not have another go and see if you can bring your score up?

Great job! You're a Spirit Ranger fan for sure! Why not try once more and see if you can make your score perfect?

Absolutely perfect! You're the biggest Spirit Ranger fan there is!