Spirit Rangers Quiz: Are You More Kodi, Summer or Eddy?
Which one of these Junior Spirit Rangers is most like you? Take this epic TV quiz and we'll tell you!
Spirit Rangers is an amazing Netflix series following Junior Rangers Kodi, Summer and Eddy in their adventures protecting their National Park! But which one of these pint-sized Native American heroes is most like you? There's an easy way to find out - just answer the 10 questions in this quiz! Ready to get going?
3, 2, 1... quiz!

You are... what?

Pick an animal:

Now pick a colour:

Mum and Dad have just asked you to check on some climbers. What do you ask them?

Now pick an underwater creature:

Pick a family member to hang out with today:

Now pick another character from the show!

Sun or Moon?

Pick a spirit:

Which of these superpowers would you rather have?

You're Kodi!
You're the eldest Skycedar kid, and a Junior Ranger of Xus National Park! You are also the bear Spirit Ranger - and as well as looking after the park, you also have to take care of your younger sister and brother! Would you rather be a different Spirit Ranger? Try this quiz again and see who you get next time!

You're Summer!
You're Summer Skycedar! You're the middle child - younger than Kodi and older than Eddy. You're also a Junior Ranger of Xus National Park and the red hawk Spirit Ranger! As well as flying high above the park, you also do a great job looking out for your two brothers! Not who you wanted to be? No problem! Just try this quiz again!

You're Eddy!
You're the youngest kid in the Skycedar family, but that's not a bad thing! You're just as good at looking after the park as your older brother and sister, and sometimes you can teavh them a thing or two! You're also a Junior Ranger of Xus National Park, and are the Turtle Spirit! Rather be Kodi or Summer? Try this quiz again and see who you get next time!