The Floor is Lava Quiz: Could You Survive?
The Floor is Lava, obvs. The question is - could YOU survive? Take the quiz and find out!

How good are you at clinging to things?

Floor is Lava | Haymaker Media | Netflix
There's a kitten up a tree. You climb up to rescue it. How long can you hang from a branch while you coax the kitty to safety?

Floor is Lava | Haymaker Media | Netflix
Can you balance on one foot?

Floor is Lava | Haymaker Media | Netflix
What is your favourite thing to do at a playground?

Floor is Lava | Haymaker Media | Netflix
How would you describe your friends and family?

Floor is Lava | Haymaker Media | Netflix
Are you fast?

Floor is Lava | Haymaker Media | Netflix
Are you good at solving problems?

Floor is Lava | Haymaker Media | Netflix
Sometimes The Floor Is Lava gets a little bumpy - could you take the knocks?

It sounds like you have both the brains and the brawn to defeat The Floor is Lava! Good job!

Pretty Scorching!
You would probably survive, but you might find some challenges a bit too hot to handle! A definite contender though. Good job!

A Little Ember-assing!
You might do okay, but then again you might also end up with a lava faceplant. This one might not be for you!

You're Toast!
Yeah, you probably shouldn't play this game. It seems while you are wise and your skills are plentiful - they are clearly in different areas! You wouldn't want to make an ash of yourself by getting a face full of Lava!