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The Hunchback of Notre Dame Quiz For Real Disney Experts!

The Hunchback of Notre Dame is one of the all time Disney classics, but how well do you know this masterpiece?

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  August 19th 2024
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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024

The Hunchback of Notre Dame is a story of acceptance and struggle against the evil that keeps us apart! It’s got some of the most wonderful songs ever written in the Disney universe and even though it’s maybe not as famous as some of the other Disney films, it is one of the best and deserves to be taken seriously! Let’s see how much you know about it? What are you waiting for?


What is the main character’s name?


Where is Notre Dame?


Who is the villain in the movie?


Who is Quasimodo’s friend who helps him see the beauty in the world?


What is the name of the famous river that runs through Paris?


What are Victor, Hugo and Laverne?


What is the name of the festival?


What animal does Esmerelda keep as a pet?


What do Hugo, Laverne and Victor call Quasimodo?


What colour is Quasimodo’s hair?

Oh dear! You haven’t done quite so well with this one, but that’s okay! It is a very old film after all and unless you’ve seen it very recently, you might not have been able to get all the answers straight away! So why not take a deep breath and have another go, you can probably do better the next time around!

Nice! Now we’re getting somewhere, you definitely know a thing or two about this classic film! Those talking gargoyles must have given you a couple of cheeky answers under the table! Well done, but we think that you can probably do better, so why not have another go and see if you can’t get a higher score!?

Awesome! It might be an old film, but you clearly know your stuff! There aren’t many people that could answer as many of these tricky questions right so hats off to you! But even though you’re right at the top of Notre Dame’s tower looking down at all those quizzers who just couldn’t quite make the grade, we think you can do a bit better! So why not have another go and see if you can get 100%?

Pow! You've done it! Even though this film came out a really long time ago you know everything that can be known about it! You've probably read the original book looking at these results! Incredible work! Give yourself a pat on your back! And remember, it doesn't matter what your back looks like, it's what's inside that counts - and in your case, that's a heck load of knowledge!