The Marvels Character Quiz: Which Heroine Are You?
Do you love the Marvels? Take the quiz to find out which member of the girl squad you are - Carol, Monica, Kamala, or maybe someone else?
The Marvels is Marvel's latest installment, and it's... well, marvellous! This quiz will tell you which character you're most similar to - they're all strong and powerful, but are you a warrior like Carol, or a genius like Monica, or just figuring everything out like Kamala? Or maybe you're someone else entirely? It's time to find out! We've got more Marvel quizzes too! Find out which Ms. Marvel character you are, or learn who your Marvel soulmate is!

What's your perfect pet?

What superpower would you love to have?

It's breakfast time! What are you having?

Pick a city to live in!

What's your favourite thing to listen to?

Which season makes you want to go outside and play?

Pick a DC character!

Pick a sea creature!

Which special day is your favourite?

Pick a school subject!

Captain Marvel
You're the Captain herself! You're brave, smart, powerful, and always ready to stand up for what you believe in!

Monica Rambeau
You're Monica! You're seriously smart, passionate, and dedicated to doing what's right!

Ms. Marvel
You're Ms. Marvel, aka Kamala Khan! You're smart and powerful, but also a little goofy and happy-go-lucky!

You're Dar-Benn! You're deviously smart and totally determined to achieve your goals!