The Ross vs Ross Quiz: Who Knows the Real Ross?
Can you tell Ross from Friends from these other famous Ross's? This quiz is harder than it sounds! Good luck!
So you think you know Ross from the hit sitcom friends? Well let's find out! We've mixed up facts and quotes from Ross Geller, with other famous people named Ross! Can you tell them apart? Take this quiz and find out!
Let's get quizzing, Ross fans!

Did Ross Geller say this? "Unagi Is A Total State Of Awareness"

Which of these people called Ross stitched the first flag of the USA?

Ross from Friends also made a really relaxing painting show. True or false?

Ross Geller once said: "We don't make mistakes, we make happy accidents"

Which Ross is also a character in the UK TV show, Emmerdale?

Which Ross famously shouted this whilst carrying a sofa? "Pivot!"

Which Ross said: "you do need mentors, but in the end you just need to believe in yourself"?

Finish this line from Ross Geller: "Ah. Humor Based On My..." What?

There is a Muppet called Ross. True or false?

Which Ross said this: "You And Those Vegetables Have, Uh... Real Thing Going, Huh?"

Nooooo! This isn't a great score. You need to brush up on your Ross knowledge! This is an unfortunate score, and you should really have another go and then come back to try this quiz again! Better luck next time!

Not bad! Not bad at all! You managed to spot some of the right Ross's, but not all of them! Have another go at this quiz and see if you can spot the differences between the real Ross and the imposters! Good luck!

Wow! Amazing! You managed to tell the difference between the real Ross and the imposter Ross's! Great work - you almost got 100%! Do you kwno where you went wrong? Let's try another quiz and see if you can score even higher on a different Friends quiz!

Amazing! 10/10! Great work! You got every single question right! Wahooo! None of those imposter Ross's got past you! Fantastic score - you can't beat it, but can you match it on a different Friends quiz? Let's find out!