The Ultimate Jessie Quiz!
Are you the ultimate Jessie fan? Know your Zuri from your Ravi? Then take the quiz and test your knowledge!
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Jessie | It's a Laugh Productions | Bon Mot Productions | Disney Channel
Who are the family that Jessie looks after?

Jessie | It's a Laugh Productions | Bon Mot Productions | Disney Channel
What is the name of the family pet?

Jessie | It's a Laugh Productions | Bon Mot Productions | Disney Channel
Which of the following is NOT the name of one of the Ross children?

Jessie | It's a Laugh Productions | Bon Mot Productions | Disney Channel
What does Bertram do?

Jessie | It's a Laugh Productions | Bon Mot Productions | Disney Channel
What is Emma Ross’s middle name?

Jessie | It's a Laugh Productions | Bon Mot Productions | Disney Channel
Which of these is NOT the name of a Jessie episode?

Jessie | It's a Laugh Productions | Bon Mot Productions | Disney Channel
Where is Jessie set?

Jessie | It's a Laugh Productions | Bon Mot Productions | Disney Channel
Which famous director does father Morgan Ross claim to be friends with?

Jessie | It's a Laugh Productions | Bon Mot Productions | Disney Channel
What is the name of Rhoda Chesterfield’s pet chihuahua?

Jessie | It's a Laugh Productions | Bon Mot Productions | Disney Channel
What does Emily call herself when she is fashion vlogging?

Jessie | It's a Laugh Productions | Bon Mot Productions | Disney Channel
Amazing! You got a PERFECT score! There's no doubt about it, you're a hardcore Jessie fan and have achieved true quiz greatness. Outstanding!

Jessie | It's a Laugh Productions | Bon Mot Productions | Disney Channel
Pretty good! While not a totally PERFECT score, you certainly know your Jessie trivia! A very respectable result. Great job!

Jessie | It's a Laugh Productions | Bon Mot Productions | Disney Channel
Not so hot! While not the worst score in the world, you may need to give the show a rewatch if you're to be a true Jessie quiz genius! Never mind, why not retake the quiz and improve your score?

Jessie | It's a Laugh Productions | Bon Mot Productions | Disney Channel
Oh dear! It seems you may need to give the show a rewatch if you're to be a true Jessie quiz genius! Never mind, why not retake the quiz and improve your score?