The Ultimate Riverdale Dad Quiz
How well do you know these Riverdale role models? Find out with this dad-tastic TV quiz!

What is Veronica's dad's name?

Which Riverdale dad really likes jazz music?

Riverdale | Berlanti Productions / Archie Comics Publications / CBS / Warner Bros Television / The CW
Jughead's dad is called F.P Jones. What does FP stand for?

Which Riverdale dad used to be a Police Sheriff?

As well as being a businessman, Hiram Lodge is also a...

Riverdale | Berlanti Productions / Archie Comics Publications / CBS / Warner Bros Television / The CW
Which of these groups was Archie's dad in?

Riverdale | Berlanti Productions / Archie Comics Publications / CBS / Warner Bros Television / The CW
Name this dad!

Which of these dads wears a bow tie?

Riverdale | Berlanti Productions / Archie Comics Publications / CBS / Warner Bros Television / The CW

Riverdale | Berlanti Productions / Archie Comics Publications / CBS / Warner Bros Television / The CW
Can you guess the dad from this hair-do?

Would Archie find this dad joke funny?Hey son, I bought a new pen today. It writes underwater. I mean, it writes other words too but that's my favourite.

Riverdale | Berlanti Productions / Archie Comics Publications / CBS / Warner Bros Television / The CW
Oh no! Poor old Fred isn't to impressed with this result. Try another quiz?

Riverdale | Berlanti Productions / Archie Comics Publications / CBS / Warner Bros Television / The CW
Hmmm... pretty good, but still not a high score. Try another quiz?

Riverdale | Berlanti Productions / Archie Comics Publications / CBS / Warner Bros Television / The CW
Nice work! That's one satisfied dad! Try another quiz?

Riverdale | Berlanti Productions / Archie Comics Publications / CBS / Warner Bros Television / The CW
Wahoo! High score! Look at that proud dad! Good job!