Thing Quiz!
How much do you know about Thing? NoTHING or everyTHING? Let's find out with this Addams family trivia quiz! Can you get 10/10 on all things Thing?
There's no one like Thing! How much do you know about the loyal servant of The Ookiest Spokiest family, Thing? Let's find out with this trivia quiz! Answer some Thing based questions and see how you do! And if you liked this quiz, how about more Addams Family quizzes here! How about this Morticia Addams quiz? Or maybe you fancy this Addams Family character quiz?

Let's start with an easy one - what is Thing?

Who does he live with?

What is Thing's middle initial?

When did Thing first appear?

What was the name of Thing's crush from the TV show?

Where does Thing live?

Why was Thing so difficult to film in the original TV series?

What can Thing do?

What is different about Thing in the series Wednesday?

Finally, Thing is called 'Mãozinha' in Portuguese - but what does that mean?

Oh no! You didn't get any questions about Thing right, but don't worry, you can always have another go!

You only got a few Thing questions right, so you'll have to try again if you want to be a Thing expert!

High five! You did really well but we know you can do even better and get 10/10! Have another go!

Thumbs up! You got 10/10! Congratulations, truly no THING can stop you!