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Tom and Jerry Quiz: Are You More Tom or Jerry?

Where do you stand?! And more importantly, will you get the cheese!?

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  August 19th 2024
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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024

It’s a question as old as time, but one that needs to be asked! Which of these two incredibly famous cartoon characters have you got the most in common with? With Tom’s brawn versus Jerry’s enormous brain it could go one of two ways - so let’s get into it and find out for sure! So what are you waiting for?!


What is your favourite subject at school?


What colour makes you the happiest?


Where would you hide from a giant angry cat?


It’s raining, what do you use to keep dry?


Which do you do first in the morning?


There is a terrible fart smell in the room, who do you blame?


It’s too cold to go out, what do you do instead?


What is your favourite food from this list?


There is an anvil dangling over a plate of spaghetti - what do you do?


What would you rather have fall on you from a great height?

MGM | Warner Bros


Nice! You’ve got the most in common with Tom! Now of course Tom almost always gets stuck in a hoover or up a chimney - but that’s not really the lesson! What is important is that like Tom, you never give up! So keep on giving Tom energy and see where the world takes you! If you’re not into this result, don’t worry, you can always give the quiz another go and hope for the best!

MGM | Warner Bros


Awesome! What a result, now Jerry might be small in size, but they always get the better of whatever challenges come their way! That’s probably why you've got this result! You’re a little bit like Jerry when it comes to thinking about how to get what you want and keep yourself out of trouble! The world is a big and scary place but at least you can always rely on your brains to get you through it!

MGM | Warner Bros


Nice! You’ve got the most in common with Tom! Now of course Tom almost always gets stuck in a hoover or up a chimney - but that’s not really the lesson! What is important is that like Tom, you never give up! So keep on giving Tom energy and see where the world takes you! If you’re not into this result, don’t worry, you can always give the quiz another go and hope for the best!

MGM | Warner Bros


Awesome! What a result, now Jerry might be small in size, but they always get the better of whatever challenges come their way! That’s probably why you've got this result! You’re a little bit like Jerry when it comes to thinking about how to get what you want and keep yourself out of trouble! The world is a big and scary place but at least you can always rely on your brains to get you through it!