Ultimate Inpector Gadget Quiz!
Are YOU gaga about go-go Gadget? Put YOUR Inspector Gadget knowledge to the test with this epic quiz!

What's the name of Penny's dog?

What is Penny's relationship to Inspector Gadget?

What is the name of the city where Inspector Gadget takes place?

What is the name of Dr. Claw's evil criminal organisation?

What is the name of Inspector Gadget's boss?

Where was Dr Claw frozen?

What is the name of Dr Claw's nephew?

In 'Jurassic Jerk', for what reason does claw send his nephew to steal a dinosaur egg?

Amazing! You got a PERFECT score! You really know your Gadget trivia... An absolutely incredible result. Well done!

Pretty Good! While not a totally perfect score, you certainly know your go-go Gadget trivia. A very respectable result, good job!

Not so hot! While not a total bust, you may need to give the show a rewatch! Never mind, why not retake the quiz and improve your score?

Oh Dear! It seems you may need to give the show a rewatch! Never mind, why not retake the quiz and improve your score?