Ultimate Pokemon Quiz For Beginners
New to Pokemon? This quiz will test your new found skills!
What is a Pokemon?
What's this used for?
Pokemon | OLM Inc. | Cartoon Network
Who is this?
Which of these Pokemon can talk?
How does a Pokemon evolve?
What's the show's catch phrase?
Pokemon | OLM Inc. | Cartoon Network
Which Pokemon is this?
What does the word 'Pokemon' mean in Japanese?
Who wears this?
Pokemon | OLM Inc. | Cartoon Network
What's the name of this duo?
Pokemon | OLM Inc. | Cartoon Network
Wow, you're quickly on your way to becoming a Pokémon Master!
Pokemon | OLM Inc. | Cartoon Network
Well done, you obviously know a lot about Pokemon, especially for a beginner!
Pokemon | OLM Inc. | Cartoon Network
Not bad, but you can always do better! Have another go and see if you learn anything new about Pokemon!
Pokemon | OLM Inc. | Cartoon Network
Uh oh, looks like you're going to have to train harder if you want to be the very best! Nevermind, have another go!