Ultimate Power Rangers Megaforce Quiz!
Just how powerful is your Power Rangers Megaforce knowledge? Take the quiz and put your skills to the test!

Power Rangers | SCG Power Rangers | Toei Company, Ltd. | Netflix
Who are the evil aliens who attack Earth?

Power Rangers | SCG Power Rangers | Toei Company, Ltd. | Netflix
What is the name of the supernatural guardian assigned to protect Earth by Zordon?

Power Rangers | SCG Power Rangers | Toei Company, Ltd. | Netflix
What is Tensou?

Power Rangers | SCG Power Rangers | Toei Company, Ltd. | Netflix
Which of the following is NOT the name of a Megaforce episode?

Power Rangers | SCG Power Rangers | Toei Company, Ltd. | Netflix
Which of the following is NOT one of the five Megaforce Power Rangers?

Power Rangers | SCG Power Rangers | Toei Company, Ltd. | Netflix
What is Robo Knight?

Power Rangers | SCG Power Rangers | Toei Company, Ltd. | Netflix
What year did Power Rangers Megaforce first air?

Power Rangers | SCG Power Rangers | Toei Company, Ltd. | Netflix
What weapon does Emma Goodall wield?

Power Rangers | SCG Power Rangers | Toei Company, Ltd. | Netflix
Who is the Megaforce Red Ranger?

Power Rangers | SCG Power Rangers | Toei Company, Ltd. | Netflix
Where does the Silver Super Mergaforce Power Ranger Orion come from?

Power Rangers | SCG Power Rangers | Toei Company, Ltd. | Netflix
Amazing! You got a PERFECT score! There's no denying it, when it comes to Power Rangers Megaforce you're a true trivia machine. A FANTASTIC result, Well done!

Power Rangers | SCG Power Rangers | Toei Company, Ltd. | Netflix
Pretty good! Not quite a perfect score, but a good effort nonetheless... you certainly know your Megaforce from your Dino Charge at least! Good job!

Power Rangers | SCG Power Rangers | Toei Company, Ltd. | Netflix

Power Rangers | SCG Power Rangers | Toei Company, Ltd. | Netflix
Oh dear! Not the greatest result in the universe... it seems you may need to up your Power Rangers Megaforce trivia game if you're to be a bona fide brainbox! Never mind, why not retake the quiz and improve your score?