Ultimate Star Wars Quiz!
Are you a Star Wars know-all? Take this massive quiz and see how much you remember!
May the quiz be with you!

Let's start with a TIE fighter question. What does TIE stand for?

What species was Greedo?

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What was Luke Skywalker going to be called originally?

What was Yoda originally going to be called?

What does Han Solo say the Millennium Falcon can do in “less than 12 parsecs”?

What colour milk does Luke Skywalker drink in A New Hope?

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Who trained Yoda?

What creature did Luke Skywalker ride at the beginning of The Empire Strikes Back?

What's the name of this creature which appeared in The Last Jedi?

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Which planet is Chewbacca from?

What was Finn's stormtrooper number?

What's the name of this character?

Which film was the first to feature Jar Jar Binks?

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Which Star Wars film was made under the fake title, Blue Harvest?

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What was the cantina band's name?

The next Star Wars film will be called The Rise of...

How many years is the The Force Awakens set after the destruction of the second Death Star?

In Star Wars: The Force Awakens, who is the leader of the First Order?

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On which planet did Rey live?

How many languages can C-3PO speak?

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Oh dear! Did an Porg run across your device while you were doing the quiz? Have another go!

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Good try! This quiz was pretty tough but we think you did well!

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Great job! You just missed out on getting a perfect score. Why not have another go?

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Awesome! Wow, the force was with you today!