10 Question Ultimate VICTORiOUS Quiz!
Are you obsessed with VICTORiOUS? Know your Toris from your Trinas? Then test your skills with this epic quiz!
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Scored 100%338
VICTORiOUS | Sony Music Entertainment | Nickelodeon Productions | MTV Networks International | Nickelodeon
Who is the main character in VICTORiOUS?
VICTORiOUS | Sony Music Entertainment | Nickelodeon Productions | MTV Networks International | Nickelodeon
What is Tori’s alter ego called?
VICTORiOUS | Sony Music Entertainment | Nickelodeon Productions | MTV Networks International | Nickelodeon
What are Tori’s friends called?
VICTORiOUS | Sony Music Entertainment | Nickelodeon Productions | MTV Networks International | Nickelodeon
What bouncy shoes does Cat wear?
VICTORiOUS | Sony Music Entertainment | Nickelodeon Productions | MTV Networks International | Nickelodeon
What was Jade’s favourite toy as a child?
VICTORiOUS | Sony Music Entertainment | Nickelodeon Productions | MTV Networks International | Nickelodeon
Which character on the show is lactose intolerant?
VICTORiOUS | Sony Music Entertainment | Nickelodeon Productions | MTV Networks International | Nickelodeon
What is Sinjin’s last name?
VICTORiOUS | Sony Music Entertainment | Nickelodeon Productions | MTV Networks International | Nickelodeon
When Trina pretended to be a celebrity, what did she call herself?
VICTORiOUS | Sony Music Entertainment | Nickelodeon Productions | MTV Networks International | Nickelodeon
What is the name of the children’s band that the friends form for a gig?
VICTORiOUS | Sony Music Entertainment | Nickelodeon Productions | MTV Networks International | Nickelodeon
What colour is Cat’s hair dyed?
VICTORiOUS | Sony Music Entertainment | Nickelodeon Productions | MTV Networks International | Nickelodeon
Amazing! You really know your stuff... a PERFECT score! There's no-one who can best your VICTORiOUS knowledge. You certainly were paying attention at Hollywood Arts High School. A true master! Well done!
VICTORiOUS | Sony Music Entertainment | Nickelodeon Productions | MTV Networks International | Nickelodeon
Pretty good! Not quite a perfect score, true VICTORY eludes you yet... but still a very respectable result! Well done!
VICTORiOUS | Sony Music Entertainment | Nickelodeon Productions | MTV Networks International | Nickelodeon
Not so hot! While not the worst score in the world, you're still a long way from VICTORiOUS. You may need to go back to Hollywood Arts High School and brush up on your trivia!
VICTORiOUS | Sony Music Entertainment | Nickelodeon Productions | MTV Networks International | Nickelodeon
Oh dear! It seems when it comes to trivia you're a long way from VICTORiOUS! Never mind, why not retake the quiz and improve your score?