What Film Should I Watch With My Brother?
Are you and your bro stuck for a film? No idea what to stick on? Well don't worry - this filmtastic movie quiz which help you choose!
In the mood for action? Drama? Singalongs? No matter how you're feeling there's definitely a great movie out there for you. But what about your brother? Should you try and pick one he would like too? Or just make him watch whatever you want?
Good thing there's a Beano quiz around to help you work it out! So let's get answering these questions and we'll see what film you should watch with your brother!

Is your brother:

Which of these things does your brother like best?

If your brother could be any animal, what animal do you think he would be?

Pick a game:

What would your brother want to eat for dinner?

Would you rather:

Which of these things have you done recently?

A good film has lots of... what?

Pick a classic Christmas kids film:

Pick a smell:

You should watch Encanto!
This is a great movie and full of great songs and amazing characters. There's magic and fun, but nothing too soppy. And if youve already seen it - you should watch it again! Not the movie for either you or your brother? Well no worries - have another go at this quiz and see what you get next time!

You should watch Star Wars!
You might have seen some of these already - but have you seen all of them? Even the really old ones? If not maybe today's the day to go back through and make sure you've seen them all. They're great movies with plenty of action! Not the movie for either you or your brother? Well no worries - have another go at this quiz and see what you get next time!

You should watch Back to the Future!
Ok this is an oldie... but bear with us! We know it's ancient but it's really good! If you've not seen it before it's a hilarious sci-fi comedy adventure - with lots of classic lines! Not the movie for either you or your brother? Well no worries - have another go at this quiz and see what you get next time!

You should watch ANY movie with Jackie Chan in it!
Ok, this narrows down the choices a bit, but not by much because Jackie Chan has been in so many films! But judging from your answers, you and your brother need some Jackie Vhan movies in your life RIGHT NOW. Sorry, that's just what your answers have told us. He's been in some really good films though!